Yeah, we've all played Pictionary or maybe even sculpted playdough for a game of Cranium, but I'm going to introduce you to something you probably haven't done.
I love bringing the joys of art-making to those who do not indulge in visual art very often. I've always been an advocate for the benefits of making art. It enriches your mind, challenges you, and oftentimes, it's relaxing. But, many people feel uncomfortable with their self-proclaimed lack of skill.
One of the best ways to get them to enjoy drawing is to play an art game. The games I'm about to show you really help people to relax and let go of whatever "I can't" story they're telling themselves. Through the years, I have played these games with classmates, as a babysitter, with family, and with friends. All you need is some paper and pencils. And the best part? No special talent for drawing is needed!
Blind Line Drawing
For this "game" all you need is a stack of printer paper and something to write with. I prefer graphite or colored pencil. A good quality marker that won't smudge or bleed is good too. (pens and markers tend to smudge.) You only need 2 people to play this game, but it becomes even more fun the more people you have. Sit across from each other at a comfortable table. Put pencil to paper and draw without picking up your hand and without looking down. We're talking one continuous line. Continue to draw until you've got yourself a portrait of your partner (or until you lose track of where you are!) You will both be laughing when you reveal your portraits to each other! This is a great icebreaker or a fun way to bond deeper with your pals. If in a group, switch seats and draw someone else. This has always been a hit in any group I do this with! Young and old, artists and non-artists, they all love it.

Exquisite Corpse
This game was invented by the surrealists. It started as a writing exercise but was adapted into a drawing game by visual artists. Again, all you need is paper and a pencil. An eraser can come in handy too. This one is especially enjoyed by younger kids and is best played with 3 people. Take a printer paper sheet and fold it horizontally in 3 equal sections. (Like you would a letter.) Unfold and give the paper to whoever would like to start. The first person draws in the top section of the paper. Usually a head of some kind but it could be anything. Only a few lines should fall below the first fold, just so the next person sees where they should begin. Make sure no one sees what they draw. It can be covered by another sheet of paper while it's passed around. The next person draws the body in the middle of the paper without seeing what was drawn above it. The last person to draw takes the bottom section and draws the legs. Now, remember the head could be a shooting star and the legs could be tentacles! Use your imagination and get silly! Reveal your collaboration to the group and be surprised by the fun monstrosity that has been created!
It's worth a Google to see exquisite corpse collabs done by famous artists such as Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dahlí. If you wanted to take this to the next level: take your time and do this with collage, paint, fabric, embroidery, or any medium you'd like!

Try this next time you're with board kids or a small gathering of friends. It's really fun! Some people may protest with "I can't draw!" or "but you're an artist, that's not fair!" No, no these games aren't about skill, it's just fun! I promise the people who resist these game always end up happily surprised. Try it and let me know in the comments how it went!