Happy spring! It's been a weird month for me. Went to see live local music a lot this month, in coffee shops, at the Rivioli, at a house show. Had many deep conversations, planting seed ideas, and dreaming.
This month has been filled with creative ideas buzzing in my brain, working on sketches for new projects, and hearing good art news! I've mentioned before that winter brings on a natural rest period for me. Just as I was feeling my artistic energy ramp up again, I banged up my art-making hand. It may have involved a family game night, a plush burrito, a long skirt, and a fall down a hill at midnight. Not one of my finer moments. I was pretty bummed about being out of commission as far as art-making goes for a long while. It was swollen, and bleeding, and purple. It's still useless almost 2 ½ weeks later! Plus, this injury lead to a lymphatic infection that has me feeling sluggish.
I'm still healing, and that's why we will keep this one short. It's frustrating to be unable to match my mental excitement for creating. Feeling really antsy but also grateful for my hands. Maybe when I can hold a brush again I'll have to honor my hand with a special portrait! I'll hang it on my studio wall and try not to be such a klutz from now on.
I only wanted to say that I have some exciting art things in my future and I'm looking forward to diving back into the studio! Wish me rapid healing please!
P.S. Apparently I am at max capacity for image storage on this blog. I have cool pics from the shows and things I'm working on. I am only able to add photos that I've used on the blog previously. Not great for an art blog, I need to be able to add new artwork to the site! Bummer. So I will deal with that later!