The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year and a time to celebrate the sun. Every year, we watch this stop-motion video I put together that illustrates the Winter Solstice mythology. The winter folk are enjoying the togetherness that winter brings, the reindeer flys the sun through the sky, and the winter goddess births the sun/son on the longest night. They celebrate the return of the sun.

We honor the disir, our ancestral grandmothers on Mother's Night, the first night of Yule.

On the 21st, we turn out all the lights as the sun slips below the tree line and we go for a cold walk through the mulberry twilight, the Christmas lights, and snow. We collect boughs of evergreen to bring home and adorn with.

We slip quietly back into the warmth of home, only the lights from the Christmas tree to guide us. And we light every candle in the house. For the remainder of the longest night of the year, we use only candlelight. We read stories, listen to winter songs, and cozy up together. We read our cards together and set our intentions.

We celebrate that tomorrow morning will bring the rebirth of the sun! Wishing for you the many joys and quiet of winter. May the darkness hold you, may the sun bring us peace. ☀️❄️